Workshop - Management & leadership

mercredi 21.02.2018

The XXIst century leader

The seminar will allow answering two main questions 1- What does it mean to be a XXIst century leader? 1-1- The differences between Being a ‘leader’ versus being a ‘chief’ 1-2- The investigation of different typologies of leadership styles 2- How can you capitalize on your managerial experience and expertise? 2-1- Continuous education 2-2- Theorize on and share/sell your experience

 During the first part of this seminar, we will investigate what it means to be a XXIst century leader, the differences between managing and leading. Finally, we will study in some depth the different styles of leadership that have been highlighted in firms. Managers acquire and develop a lot of expertise through their managerial experience.

During the second part of the seminar we will investigate how managers can capitalize on this experience and know-how through continuous education and the production of new knowledge, which they can share or/and sell towards uplifting their careers and obtaining broad public recognition.

Experts : Michel Kalika, Professeur, Business Science Institute & IAE Lyon School of Management

Isabelle Walsh, Professeure, SKEMA Business School & Business Science Institute

Niveau : Tous niveaux


  • Make participants aware of the necessity of taking a break and of standing back a bit from their day-to-day managerial chores.
  • Convince managers of the internal and external usefulness of communicating and capitalizing on their experience.
  • Help managers learn how to create a personal organization that allows them to stand back a bit from their daily routines.


Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/or digital media published by Maison Moderne.


Michel Kalika
Michel Kalika
Business Science Institute / SKEMA Business School
Isabelle Walsh
Isabelle Walsh
Business Science Institute / IAE Lyon