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samedi 24.01.2015

Exhibition Resolute – Design changes

While the frequency and effect of imagery in our society increase, the influence of designers on our behaviour and opinions is amplified. The emerging generation uses technological development and social awareness to truly engage people in making change happen. Based on information, moderation, inspiration and engagement they encourage people to shape their opinions and to take action. Driven by technological inventions they unleashed an innovative race in communication, eventually propelling graphic designers as one of he most important influencers of man’s behaviour and opinions in our time.

Exhibition organised within the framework of Graphic Design Festival Breda 2014. Curators: Dennis Elbers and Sven Ehmann.

The original Resolute - Design Changes exhibition will be presented at Casino Luxembourg. Added to this, Design Friends will present a selection of works by Luxembourg-based graphic designers:

Postscript: Luxembourg

In its role as associate curator, the Design Friends association issued a call for projects from designers based in (or with a link to) Luxembourg, in the goal of augmenting the existing show with an additional section devoted to the local design scene.

The jury - composed of members of the Design Friends steering committee, the curators, and Casino Luxembourg's art director, Kevin Muhlen - selected projects by Laurent Daubach, Patrick Hallé, Reza Kianpour, Isabelle Mattern, Gina Schöler & Daniel Clarens, and Social Matters (Lynn Schammel & Giacomo Piovan). Also on show will be the emblematic NON by Jean-Christophe Massinon (1962-2011), a logo-cum-manifesto that has become sadly relevant again today, summing up many of the issues raised in this exhibition.

Practical information: 

Organized by Design Friends

Online registration